Cast iron parts at a foundry

Introduction to Cast Iron: History, Types, Properties, and Uses

The presence of iron in everyday life began around 1200 BCE, encompassing a wide range of uses from farming implements to weapons of war. Blacksmiths became a critical profession, working with iron to change its properties and shape the material into tools. Every village and town would have a blacksmith’s shop, where sickles, plowshares, nails, swords, candlestick holders, and more were produced.

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Reliance Foundry's R-3561 double flanged cast steel wheel

Rolling Into The Future

From the earliest civilizations to today’s high-speed, efficiency-driven world, wheels and casters have played a pivotal role in human development. Today, innovation in wheel and caster design is more critical than ever, with modern industries demanding higher durability and flexibility.

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Metal being tapped out of a foundry furnace into a pouring ladle

What is a Foundry?

Foundries are responsible for our current standard of living and industrial development, but most of us know next to nothing about them. So what is a foundry? Foundry Definition In simplified terms, a foundry is a factory where castings are produced by melting metal, pouring

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