Reliance Foundry’s line of tree grates protect trees and surrounding soil from rigorous urban life. Tree grates allow trees to thrive in cities, while their decorative features enrich the look of surrounding streetscapes.

Tree grate installation is simple and easy using Reliance Foundry tree grate frames. These frames can be incorporated into your form in just a few minutes for accurate installation.






Tree Grate

2 halves


Tree Grate Frame

2 or 4 pieces (depending on model*)

*See model specific drawing for exact quantity and type of frame piece



Steel rebar



Four Piece Frame

Two Piece Frame

Before installation

Check for hazards
Always check for hazards such as water pipes, gas lines, and underground wiring before digging.

Study the site plans
Site plans are generally created by the architect of the project.

Prepare the tree pit

Excavate the tree pit
Excavate the tree pit according to site plans.

Note: Pit depths may differ depending on tree species.

Lower the wood frame
Place the wood frame into the excavation site. Set it at the proper grade.

Plan the outside dimensions
Create the forms with the following outside dimensions:

  • For 48″ x 48″ grates: 45.75″ x 45.75″
  • For 60″ x 60″ grates: 57.75″ x 57.75″
  • For 48″ x 72″ grates: 45.75″ x 69.75″

Assemble the frame

Assemble the frame
Using the hardware provided, assemble the grate frame.

Be sure to tighten the countersunk flathead screws so they are flush or below the bearing surface of the grate frame.

Attach the grate frame onto the wood form
Place the grate frame on the wood form.

Place both grate halves within the frame.

Wire all components together
Wire grates, frames, and form together.

Check the frame alignment and adjust or elevate as necessary.

Install the steel rebar through the lugs on the frame and support as required. There should be a 3/16″ space between the vertical faces of the frame and grate.

Pour the concrete

Prepare concrete
Ensure that the proper ratio of water and concrete mix is used—the concrete should have a similar texture to moldable clay.

Pour the concrete
Pour the concrete into the site and finish the concrete.

Do not remove the tree grate or trim alignment wires until concrete has cured.


Inspect the installation
Ensure the tree grate is plumb to the surface, and the edges are flush with the surface grade. If the edges are not flush, it may be necessary to redo the installation.

Care and maintenance

Reliance Foundry manufactures its products to the highest design standards to ensure their durability. Reliance Foundry’s tree grates are finished with long-lasting black paint. We recommend basic care and maintenance for painted finishes to ensure a full service life.