Reliance Foundry’s heavy-duty trench series are built to last in rigorous environments and have high load capacities. They offer effective drainage solutions and are designed to rapidly remove excess surface water, ensuring the area remains safe for pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Trench drains can be installed using drain frames and proper forming procedures. Steel rebars help to provide anchorage in the concrete.






Trench Drain



Trench Drain Frame (sold separately)




Steel Rebar


Before installation

Check for hazards
Always check for hazards such as water pipes, gas lines, and underground wiring before digging.

Study the site plans
Site plans are generally created by the architect of the project.

Prepare concrete
Ensure that the proper ratio of water and concrete mix is used—the concrete should have a similar texture to moldable clay.

Forming procedures

Pour the floor slab
Pour the floor slab of the trench according to the site plans and specifications.

Create forming walls
Use 3/4″ plywood for forming walls using correct forming procedures.

During the entire forming procedure, verify that the forms are plumb, straight, solid, and level.

The height of the form should reach the final surface grade.

Be sure to extend the spreaders beyond the edge of the forms to provide a stop for the frame and seat form.

Attach the frame to the forming
Use a seat form to assure that the frame is at the proper elevation.

Note: Frames have a slight radius at the corner of the seat and vertical face, so it is recommended that the seat form be beveled to accommodate the radius.

Nail the seat form to the frame using the holes in the frame.

Attach rebars
Frames should fit together snugly, leaving as little gap as possible.

Place a 90 degree bent #4 rebar through the holes in the anchor lugs to provide anchorage in the concrete.

Verify the space between the edges of the drain and frame so drains will fit properly. A gap will exist, but it should be no greater than 3/16″.

Pour the concrete
Pour the concrete and use the top edge of the frame as a screed point.


Inspect the installation
Ensure the trench drain is plumb to the surface, and the edges are flush with the surface grade.

Care and maintenance

Reliance Foundry manufactures its products to the highest design standards to ensure their durability. Reliance foundry’s trench drains are finished with long-lasting black paint. We recommend basic care and maintenance for painted finishes to ensure a full service life.