Reliance Foundry carries a select line of bollards that can be set into new concrete by positioning the bollard in its intended location and then pouring the concrete. The bollard becomes a fixed device, creating an architectural perimeter.

It is important to note that with this installation method, the bollard’s function is strictly visual and offers limited impact resistance. It is intended for bollards that operate as visual traffic guides for restricting vehicle access.






Steel Bollard, Embedded Mount



Plastic Plug



Steel Rebar




Dirt Tamper



Measuring Tape


Diagram showing a parts list for decorative bollard with embedded mountings

Before installation

Study the site plans
Site plans are generally created by the architect of the project.

Refer to site plans to locate the precise center point of each bollard.

Ensure that the plan coincides with the site and familiarize yourself with the intended arrangement of the bollards.

Check for hazards
Always check for hazards such as water pipes, gas lines, and underground wiring before digging.

Prepare the site for concrete
Please consult your local Building Code Department to determine the frost line in your area.

Dig below the frost line; the new concrete footing must reach beyond this frost line.

Note: If the frost line is less than 12″ below surface level, dig to a minimum depth of 12″. This is recommended in order to create stability.

The diameter of the hole should extend to a minimum of 10″.

Center the auger on the installation mark and bore a hole to the required depth and diameter.

Diagram showing an auger digging a hole with a 10 inch diameter and TBD depth

Ensure the area is properly formed to create a perimeter that will hold wet concrete.

Use a dirt tamper to compact the soil below the intended surface.

Diagram showing a dirt tamper compacting the soil

Prepare the bollard for designated location
Keep the bollard in its protective packaging.

Carefully place the bollard base near the installation position.

Pour the concrete

Mix the concrete
Ensure that the proper ratio of water and concrete mix is used.

The concrete should have a similar texture to moldable clay.

Place the bollard in designated location
When ready to install, remove the protective packaging.

Do a visual inspection of the bollard and ensure that the plastic plug (A) is intact.

Diagram showing that plug (A) is intact

Insert the steel rebar (B) into the bottom holes of the bollard. This will anchor the bollard in the concrete.

Diagram showing the steel rebar (B) being inserted into the bottom holes of the bollard

Measure 36″ from the top of the bollard and mark with masking tape. This indicates the height above surface grade.

Lower the bollard into the designated location until it reaches the masking tape.

Pour the concrete
Take care to pour the concrete evenly, ensuring the surface is level.

Hold a level against the side of the bollard and ensure that it remains plumb.

Note: Once the concrete has cured, there will be no way to make any adjustments.

Diagram showing the bollard in new concrete with a level against the side of the bollard

Allow the concrete to cure
A minimum of 2–3 days should be given for concrete to cure before beginning construction projects on new concrete surfaces.

Note: Moisture in the environment and cool temperatures can significantly slow the process.


Inspect the installation
From a distance, examine the plane of view.

Ensure the bollard is plumb.

Check the bollard for any signs of surface damage
Abrasions should be covered as soon as possible to prevent rust and ensure the proper life of the bollard. For damage repair or other servicing needs, please contact Reliance Foundry’s sales department.

Care and maintenance

Reliance Foundry manufactures its products to the highest design standards to ensure their durability. Reliance Foundry’s bollards are finished with long-lasting powder coating. In most North American environments, routine inspections and cleaning will ensure that bollards retain their aesthetic appeal. Proper care and maintenance are required to maintain the finish and ensure a full service life.

Diagram showing a decorative bollard with embedded mountings in new concrete