Un soldador está trabajando en una instalación de soldadura

Cómo soldar hierro fundido

¿Cómo se pueden soldar piezas de hierro fundido internamente? Primero, identifique la aleación y limpie la fundición a fondo. Seleccione una temperatura de precalentamiento y una técnica de soldadura adecuada. Hay tres tipos principales de técnicas de soldadura: soldadura con electrodo revestido, soldadura oxiacetilénica y soldadura fuerte.

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Cast iron parts at a foundry

Introduction to Cast Iron: History, Types, Properties, and Uses

The presence of iron in everyday life began around 1200 BCE, encompassing a wide range of uses from farming implements to weapons of war. Blacksmiths became a critical profession, working with iron to change its properties and shape the material into tools. Every village and town would have a blacksmith’s shop, where sickles, plowshares, nails, swords, candlestick holders, and more were produced.

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A foundry worker forging heated metal on an anvil alongside molten metal being poured into a casting mold.

The Difference Between Forging and Casting

Choosing the right metal production method is crucial for the success of your project. Whether you’re working on automotive components, industrial machinery, or artistic sculptures, understanding the differences between forging and casting can help you make an informed decision. This blog provides an in-depth comparison of forging and casting, exploring their processes, advantages, disadvantages, and ideal applications.

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一根带有钥匙和写有“Reliance Foundry”的标识条的路桩守护着一条挂满灯笼的封闭小巷。


在温哥华市中心繁忙的街道和充满活力的地标之间,Reliance Foundry 的路桩发挥着至关重要的作用。这些路桩不仅管理交通和保护行人,还大大有助于美化城市景观。从Granville Street沿线的标志性建筑到温哥华艺术馆周围宁静的广场,我们的路桩在确保安全同时与城市景观融为一体。

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An image of a stainless steel bollard being cleaned

How to Clean Stainless Steel and Prevent Corrosion

Stainless steel is known for its corrosion resistance, but regular cleaning and maintenance are essential to preserve its appearance and functionality. Without proper care, it can suffer from oxidation, corrosion, rusting, or staining, particularly in harsh environments. Learn effective cleaning methods and passivating treatments to protect stainless steel surfaces and ensure their longevity.

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Un poste con un ojo de cerradura y una tira reflectora que dice “Reliance Foundry” protege un callejón cerrado con linternas colgadas a través de él.

Mejorar el paisaje urbano de Vancouver

En el corazón del centro de Vancouver, en medio de las bulliciosas calles de la ciudad y los lugares vívidos de interés, los postes de Reliance Foundry juegan un papel crucial. Estos Postes no solo gestionan el tráfico y protegen a los peatones, sino que también contribuyen significativamente a la organización del paisaje urbano. Desde los lugares icónicos a lo largo de Granville Street hasta las serenas plazas que rodean la Galería de Arte de Vancouver, nuestros postes garantizan la seguridad y mantienen la coherencia estética.

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El Cyclone Bike Locker R-8287 instalado en una zona de aparcamiento

Ciclismo seguro

A medida que el ciclismo urbano continúa aumentando, la necesidad de soluciones seguras de estacionamiento de bicicletas se vuelve cada vez más crítica. Los ciclistas se enfrentan a numerosos desafíos para encontrar lugares seguros y confiables para guardar sus bicicletas. En Ámsterdam, por ejemplo, el 63 por ciento de los ciudadanos van en bicicleta a diario, lo que subraya la importancia de las soluciones eficaces de almacenamiento de bicicletas en las ciudades.

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The R-8287 Cyclone Bike Locker installed in a parking area

Secure Cycling

As urban cycling continues to rise, the need for secure bike parking solutions becomes increasingly critical. Cyclists face numerous challenges in finding safe and reliable places to store their bikes. Amsterdam, for example, 63 percent of citizens cycle daily, underscoring the importance of effective bike storage solutions in cities.

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Reliance Foundry’s R-7536 decorative bollards line the entranceway for the Tyle Texas Church

Elevating Urban Charm

In contemporary urban design, decorative bollards provide critical functionality while enhancing the visual appeal of streetscapes. This dual role not only contributes to the safety and order of urban environments but also elevates their aesthetic value, making cities more inviting and livable. Let’s explore how decorative bollards achieve this blend of beauty and utility.

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Une borne avec un trou de serrure et une bande disant que la fonderie Reliance garde une ruelle fermée avec des lanternes enfilées à travers elle

Améliorer le paysage urbain de Vancouver

Au cœur du centre-ville de Vancouver, au milieu des rues animées et des points de repère dynamiques de la ville, les bornes de Reliance Foundry jouent un rôle crucial. Ces bornes gèrent non seulement la circulation et protègent les piétons, mais contribuent également de manière significative à l’organisation du paysage urbain. Des lieux emblématiques le long de la rue Granville aux esplanades sereines entourant la Vancouver Art Gallery, nos bornes assurent la sécurité et maintiennent la cohérence esthétique.

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A bollard with a keyhole and a strip saying Reliance foundry guards a closed alleyway with lanterns strung across it

Enhancing Vancouver’s Urban Landscape

In the heart of Downtown Vancouver, amidst the city’s bustling streets and vibrant landmarks, Reliance Foundry’s bollards play a crucial role. These bollards not only manage traffic and protect pedestrians but also contribute significantly to the urban landscape’s organization. From the iconic venues along Granville Street to the serene plazas surrounding the Vancouver Art Gallery, our bollards ensure safety and maintain aesthetic coherence.

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A selection of Reliance Foundry's newest lighted bollards on an orange background

Lighting the Way

At Reliance Foundry, we understand that safety and design are paramount in creating functional, aesthetically pleasing outdoor environments. That’s why we’re excited to showcase our range of LED bollards that not only illuminate pathways and landscapes but also enhance them through innovative design and technology.

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Eco-friendly recycled plastic chairs arranged in a stadium

Sustainable Spaces

Every year, approximately 300 million tons of plastic waste is generated globally, yet less than 10% of this staggering amount is recycled. This not only poses a pressing environmental challenge but also presents a significant opportunity for innovative repurposing. Recycled plastic is emerging as a preferred material in modern site furnishings, offering a sustainable solution.

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